Here's a straightforward primer.
Peak enters the mainstream
2 years ago, French government predicting peak by 2012 (many say it is already beginning to peak):
BBC NEWS | Business | 'Peak oil' enters mainstream debate
The Long Emergency - by James Howard Kunstler
And it ain't just the newspapers / magazines and the internet:
If a picture tells a thousand words
Outside the middle-east, oil production is already in decline:

Oil / population comparisons:

This next one's a little tricky, but shows the energy 'per capita' (person) mapped over time. Note the peak in the US. happened in 1970... :

Slightly clearer version of the above for the global picture:

I'm sure you saw this one back in the 70's! .. from ecological science, the population 'overshoot':

Well, you gotta laugh - Human energy production / population over a longer stretch of time:

For the source of the above graph, see the Olduvai Theory, as proposed by Richard C. Duncan:
From "The Social Contract" [2005-2006 Winter] - provides information on the background to the precursors of theory from 19th / 20th Century scientists:
A more recent take on it with the latest data confirming the trend:
Overview of the Olduvai theory, with steps humanity must take to avoid descent - What are the odds people and politicians will suss this one out in time? Don't rate them very highly myself. Iraq war, anyone?
Nice! Someone prove this stuff wrong for me, quick!
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