Sunday, 29 November 2009
See the whole film here on youtube
Saturday, 28 November 2009
Sunday, 22 November 2009
Friday, 30 October 2009
Monday, 26 October 2009
Nick Griffin at Klu Klux Klan rally
Wow... the most worrying thing about Peak Oil for me is that extremists like Griffin will gain more followers as we hit recession after recession.
Also - good Times article on Nick's recent talk on the BBC about his parties supposed "170,000 year old British indigenous people" here:
Nick Griffins Bad Science
Full transcript, my emphasis:
"There's a difference between selling out your ideas and selling your ideas. And the British National Party isn't about selling out its ideas, which are your ideas too. But we are determined now to sell them.
"And that means, basically, to use the saleable words, as I say - freedom, security, identity, democracy. Nobody can criticize them. Nobody can come at you and attack you on those ideas. They are saleable.
"Perhaps one day, once by being rather more subtle, we've got ourselves into a position where we control the British broadcasting media.
"Then perhaps one day the British people might change their minds, and say: Yes, every last one must go!
"Perhaps they will one day. But if you hold that out as your sole aim to start with, you're gonna get absolutely nowhere.
"So, instead of talking about 'racial purity', we talk about 'identity'."
(Griffin is addressing the American Friends of the BNP at a meeting hosted by ex-KKK leader, David Duke)
Saturday, 3 October 2009
Candy ravers get loose
Thursday, 1 October 2009
Transition Town Initiative
Monday, 21 September 2009
Rap Lyrics Explained With Charts and Graphs (

omg that is pretty funny! only on the web archive now so a bit slow!
Rap Lyrics Explained With Charts and Graphs (
Sunday, 13 September 2009
The Age of Stupid
Thursday, 10 September 2009
Crash Course - Chris Martenson
From here:
Tuesday, 18 August 2009
Tuesday, 4 August 2009
Pork's Dirty Secret: Rolling Stone
Pork's Dirty Secret: Rolling Stone
Monday, 27 July 2009
CBC Radio | Ideas | Features | Climate Wars

From here:
CBC Radio | Ideas | Features | Climate Wars
Monday, 6 July 2009
Sally Cruikshank - Quasi at the Quackadero
YouTube - Quasi at the Quackadero
Tuesday, 30 June 2009
Kunstler on Michael Jackson
"America was a fat man jerking off on the sofa watching a vampire of no particular sex 'vogue' deliriously on the boob tube."The Man in the Mirror - Clusterfuck Nation
Monday, 29 June 2009
ClubOrlov: The Slope of Dysfunction
"Ever eager to present a hopeful vision, I will say here and now that I believe this scenario to be entirely plausible... but it requires alien intervention. As Russian oil production was saved by foreigners, so Earthling oil production must be be saved by aliens from outer space."
ClubOrlov: The Slope of Dysfunction
Wednesday, 24 June 2009
Three Wolf Moon "Official" T-Shirt 100% Cotton Short Sleeve Shirt KIDS - TEENS & ADULTS: Apparel

Go here and read some reviews.
2,251 of 2,300 people found the following review helpful:
5.0 out of 5 stars Great compliment for my skin art, May 19, 2009
By overlook1977 (Raleigh, NC United States)
"Unfortunately I already had this exact picture tattooed on my chest, but this shirt is very useful in colder weather." Three Wolf Moon "Official" T-Shirt 100% Cotton Short Sleeve Shirt KIDS - TEENS & ADULTS: Apparel
Thursday, 11 June 2009
Click for more
Life Inc. The Movie on Vimeo
Life Inc. The Movie from Douglas Rushkoff on Vimeo.
Monday, 8 June 2009
Foreign Policy: The Land of No Smiles

"SHOP GIRL: This is shopping in North Korea. The clerk sits in the dark, unheated special store, waiting to turn on the lights for foreigners, the only permitted customers. “She’s wearing a ski jacket or parka; the rest of this time they’re sitting there with the lights off, freezing,” van Houtryve says. The goods—toys, televisions, and the like—are imported from China. The store only accepts euros."

"When van Houtryve approached North Koreans, they walked off or averted their eyes. He never once photographed a smile. Even children ran away from him. “They’d turn and notice me and immediately bolt off—as if a wolf had come up to them.”Foreign Policy: The Land of No Smiles
"The world is fragmenting, badly. Gird yourself for a new Dark Age."Nice article by Parag Khanna:
"Many see the global economic crisis as proof that we live in one world. But as countries stumble to right the wrongs of the corporate masters of the universe, they are driving us right back to a future that looks like nothing more than a new Middle Ages, that centuries-long period of amorphous conflict from the fifth to the 15th century when city-states mattered as much as countries."(more)
Foreign Policy: The Next Big Thing: Neomedievalism
Wednesday, 3 June 2009
The Onion: Sources Warn Miley Cyrus Will Be Depleted by 2013
Nice also - Brasscheck on how the markets work - from 2007!
Also some scary time-lapse videos here:
Sunday, 31 May 2009
Saturday, 30 May 2009
Thursday, 21 May 2009
Thursday, 14 May 2009
Tuesday, 12 May 2009
Tuesday, 28 April 2009
Ammo Scarce: Americans Prep For Gun Bans, Chaos, Terrorism, Civil Unrest, Economic Collapse
YouTube - Ammo Scarce: Americans Prep For Gun Bans, Chaos, Terrorism, Civil Unrest, Economic Collapse
Checkout the collapse... heard the other day from these guys that we can expect the stock-markets to go down 90% over the next 10 years of the depression! (on Radio Ecoshock - MP3 of the show here)
Fun playlist here with footage from California and Detroit:
Saturday, 25 April 2009
Link Gets Hungry For Japanese McDonald's
This one is so wrong!
In fact, ads are just plain wrong in general...
Goddamn I think I wanna kill myself... Ok I'll stack some food on animals:
Thursday, 9 April 2009

In America for kicks... right now listening to Son House 'Empire State' and it's blowing my mind... got limited internet access so here's a log:
5th April
NY is a bizarre place - feels like I'm witnessing the end of an era right in the heart of the Empire here... as the oil price creeps back up again and the high-streets get boarded up - already! Seems like a
quarter of the shops have foreclosed downtown.
Fascinating city though, Chinatown and Little Italy are bursting with colour and you get the feeling the people aren't going to quit no matter how bad things get... be interesting to see how things pan out
for the 150 million suburban folk in this country as the energy runs out..
7th April
Visiting my mate Christian Nold's art project in Bethlehem PA, an excellent community focused physiological stress map something along these lines... it's a post-industrial town and the current development plan focuses around, can you believe it - a CASINO, in this economic climate! Interesting to see the wider community's thoughts on the situation develop.
8th April
Just been chatting onna email with Caryl Johnston who I will visit next week in Philly - she wrote a very interesting post-peak-oil book, "After the Crash"...
Also, will be playing a matinee solo gig at Silent Barn in Brooklyn on Friday:
Friday, April 10th
Matinee show! - doors 4pm
$5 cover
MRS. (Brooklyn)
Doog (Indiana)
Bill Infant (London)
The Cook Sisters from Brooklyn:
915 Wyckoff Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11385
L train to Halsey
M train to Myrtle/Wyckoff
Friday, 27 March 2009
Age of Stupid
Monday, 23 March 2009
Tuesday, 3 March 2009
Orlov smackdown on William Halal
"I don't care what these billionaires do with their money - if they pile it on the ground and burn it or fly themselves around in a rocket - they're obviously not doing anything useful with it."
(Paraphrased from Orlov)
Techno-wonderland or Collapse:
Two Visions of the US' future (Part 1 of 3)
23:43 minutes (10.86 MB)
February 23, 2009. Part 1.
Techno-wonderland or Collapse:
Two Visions of the US' future (Part 2 of 3)
17:55 minutes (8.21 MB)
February 23, 2009. Part 2.
Techno-wonderland or Collapse:
Two Visions of the US' future (Part 3 of 3)
10:57 minutes (5.01 MB)
February 23, 2009. Part 3.
From Vermont's excellent Equal Time Radio
Friday, 27 February 2009
PowerSwitch :: View topic - The case for a slow transformation rather than a fast crash
"Future historians might indeed call the coming transformations of our societies a "crash", but it is not unthinkable that it will be a slow and gradual process, and that the generations who live trough it dont percieve it as a crash at all. We have a tremendous way to go before we actually start to die off on a grand scale. Our material standard of living could propably be reduced to less than 5% of what it is today before we get to starvation. "PowerSwitch :: View topic - The case for a slow transformation rather than a fast crash
Friday, 13 February 2009
Ed Balls: Labour minister fears rise of fascism amid economic gloom

Well, I'm glad people in government have started talking about this terrifying prospect at least - if no-one with any say talks about it, it's bound to happen:
Ed Balls: minister fears rise of fascism amid economic gloom - Telegraph
Tuesday, 10 February 2009
Peak Oil Game
Frontlines: Fuel of War Trailer
Interview with Mike Klare, contributor to TomDispatch
Mike Klare discusses his latest article, "The Problem with Cheap Oil."
For cable:
For dial-up:
Download: MP3 File Interview with Mike Klare, contributor to TomDispatch
Short Term Invstment - Long Term Security
"That's right brothers and sisters - old, fat, black, or female - you too can find a GREEAT job making hi-tech death for Infidels.... and America NEEDS these jobs - reach out in your heart, and just pray, children - repeat after me -An advocacy page? Unbelievable... Thankfully doesn't work - let's hope their jumble sale to raise the funds was a flop.
'Verily, we will have this Rrraptor .... and yay, it will preserve the right to buy twinkies on credit for Americans everywhere, and yay, it will deliver high yield explosives unto the heads of non-believers, it will produce 10000's of USEFUL JOBS for TRUE BELIEVERS.... Nations of Evil-Doers will quake in FEAR before our might, but yay, they will love us, for we are The Land of The Free, and the Home of DISNEYLAND - SAY AMEN!"
Link from here: Tomgram: Chalmers Johnson, Economic Death Spiral at the Pentagon
Monday, 9 February 2009
UK Companies Sort it All Out
Tuesday, 3 February 2009
Nice Maps

Here's one we took control of earlier:

Meanwhile in Africa... The oil protection agencies (sorry, I mean U.S. military) work continues...
Click this for an interactive version:

I wish I was making this up.
Slo-mo Splat | Post Carbon Institute

Heinberg laying it down like he does:
"Remember the wall that environmentalists (like the 1972 "Limits to Growth" authors) have long been saying that industrial society would eventually hit?
Permit me to make the formal introduction: Industrial society, meet wall; wall, meet industrial society."
Slo-mo Splat | Post Carbon Institute
Also good:
The shape of the recovery | Post Carbon Institute
Alternative Fuels
"Miami's Jackson Memorial Hospital reportedly has signed a deal to supply Norwegian entrepreneur Lauri Venoy with 3,000 gallons-per-week of liposuction leftovers harvested by its clinics. This bio-fat could produce 2,600 gallons of biodiesel, sufficient to fuel a Hummer for a year."
Is this really how desperate things are getting!?
On America's New Energy Future / Tapping the fat of the land

Monday, 2 February 2009
Failing ocean current raises fears of mini ice age - environment - 30 November 2005 - New Scientist
"The last shutdown, which prompted a temperature drop of 5°C to 10°C in western Europe, was probably at the end of the last ice age, 12,000 years ago. There may also have been a slowing of Atlantic circulation during the Little Ice Age, which lasted sporadically from 1300 to about 1850 and created temperatures low enough to freeze the River Thames in London."
Failing ocean current raises fears of mini ice age - environment - 30 November 2005 - New Scientist: "... prompted a temperature drop of 5�C to 10�C in western Europe, was probably at the end of the last ice age, 12,000 years ago. There may also have been a slowing of Atlantic circulation during the Little Ice Age, which lasted sporadically from 1300 to about 1850 and created temperatures low enough to freeze the River Thames in London."
Saturday, 31 January 2009
Comic Relief
Andersen Ben-Hilliens Rock Paparazzi: The Pixies

"My Flashgun GOOONE to HEAVENS
he he
Wisdom of the Elders
Some great quotes in here: “Fate is what happens when innumerable people make innumerable small decisions about other matters that have a collective cumulative effect that nobody intended.”
C. Wright Mills
Content is pretty terrifying, but I like his attitude, and the way he points out that feeling guilty about the situation we are in as a species is not a very useful way to go... he makes the analogy of a friend's dying mother who got involved in a religion that taught her she had contracted her disease due to lack of faith - and spent her final weeks in guilt-ridden misery.
He suggests that there's not much point in humanity doing the same - we children of the fossil-fuel age were pretty innocent in our decisions. Obviously we still need to do anything we can to mitigate the crash we are now facing, but we might as well do it with a smile on our faces!
He's definitely not an 'entertainer' but I recommend you put this on while you're doing the washing up or something.
Interview with William R. Catton, Jr.
Friday, 30 January 2009
YouTube - Peak Oil & The Four Futures - Tim Hudson
Energy, Economy & Environment Conference" in Nov 2007:
YouTube - Peak Oil & The Four Futures - Tim Hudson - Parts 1 and 2
Thursday, 29 January 2009
Beards get radical
YouTube - The Twilight of an Age
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
Temporary School of Thought Forever!
For anyone who missed it - I wasn't able to tape the seminar, but you can enjoy the Powerpoint presentation below! No notes - I did the talk off the top of my head, but hopefully this will still be entertaining:
Thursday, 22 January 2009
The Fun Side of Petrocollapse
Hey, doing another talk this Saturday at the excellent Temporary School of Thought -
in Mayfair. It's a heavy subject but hey, you gotta laugh eh?
The Fun Side of Petrocollapse
A light-hearted take on the end of the world as we know it
Why did the economy just start falling apart? Where are we headed and what can we do about it? While the media blather on about the latest bailouts, the real story continues to unfold. Amazingly, there is a connection between the Mayan empire, cheez doodles and the Energy/Economic/Climate Crises!
Featuring clip from 'Crude Awakening' (Switzerland, 2006)
5pm Sat 24th Jan
39A Clarges Mews, Mayfair (right near Green Park tube)
Hope to see you there!
Cheers, Bill.
An amusing video of the Temporary School below:
Not a bad article from the Londonist too:
Friday, 9 January 2009
End of Empire seminar
My flyer / info below in case you missed it.
Also - Yeah we're in the paper!! (pretty much all the papers, today in London anyway ;)
Artists evicted from Mayfair squat move to �22.5m property round the corner | Society | The Guardian
I'm gonna be giving a talk on the economic/energy crisis at The Temporary School of Thought. It's a week of free workshops/lectures/film screenings/life drawing classes etc. being put on by a bunch of young people in an unused building in Mayfair, from 5th-11th of Jan. Link below for listings + photos:
End of Empire Seminar - Bill Trible
3pm, Sat 10th Jan
39A Clarges Mews, Mayfair (right near Green Park tube)
I'll be screening a bit of this film as part of it: It's a barrel of laughs so come along!
They're looking for more folks to get involved so if you wanna do a talk, screen a film or run a workshop get in touch!