Tuesday, 4 August 2009

Pork's Dirty Secret: Rolling Stone

In case ya wondering why they called it 'swine flu':

pigs Photo

Saw this article linked while reading up on the Mexican farms where the flu was born. Nice...

Pork's Dirty Secret: Rolling Stone


  1. Stunning how commercial animal farming can become so poisonous to the environment.

    I haven't been responsible for any pig consumption for nearly 3 decades and very glad about it too.

    How badly are we doing in the U.K in this area?

    Tom Hitchman

  2. I'm no expert but from what I know conditions are just as bad... I've seen plenty of stinking, honking barns around Hereford ... I remember reading animal rights leaflets a few years back that made factory farms look like Auschwitz for animals - I haven't got much reason to doubt them either.
